Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 10

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    Assessment of aircraft coating resistance to lighting strikes
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Sudin, Matúš; Pecho, Pavol
    The paper evaluates the damage caused by lightning strikes on various types of aircraft coatings, the extent of the damage and the evaluation of technical and economic factors. The aim of the work is to evaluate and compare the damage after lightning strikes on metallic and non-metallic coatings of aircraft and to find out which coatings are more advantageous from a technical and economic point of view for use in practice. In the introductory part, the work describes the current state, the coating of aircraft, their function and application and the phenomenon when the aircraft is struck by lightning. Subsequently, the work deals with selected coatings and briefly describes them. The main part describes all parts of the performed experiment, samples and technical equipment used for the experiment and compares the damage on selected types of coatings. The last part of the work deals with the evaluation of results, based on which it evaluates the technical and economic advantages anddisadvantages.