Krízový manažment - Ročník 22.; Číslo 2/2023

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    3D modelovanie pre potreby simulačnej rekonštrukcie pádu ľudského subjektu z výšky
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, Veronika
    The article presents the methodology for 3D modelling for biomechanical evaluation of falls from the height of a human subject. It focuses on 3D modelling as a base for numerical simulation using multibody modules in the PC-Crash simulation software. Basic steps for the creation of a 3D multibody model of the relevant building structure from a 3D point cloud are presented, as well as the procedure for the creation of a biofidelic female human body model. The multibody model of building structure and a multibody model of the human body can be in the following steps used for comprehensive parametric evaluation of possible fall scenarios using the iterative approach for convergence of trace correspondences.