Krízový manažment - Ročník 22.; Číslo 2/2023

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    Metodika tvorby a zaisťovania chodníčka bipedálnej ľudskej lokomócie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Šimčeková, Damiána; Adamová, Veronika
    A part of specific methods in criminalistics applied in practice is tracology, used for obtaining and documenting evidence from crime scenes. Tracology deals with various types of evidence, including footprints, tire tracks, and footwear. We must not overlook traces left by lips, teeth, or other parts of the human body. This work describes the creation of a human locomotion pathway on a surface. The pathway is generated by the coloured soles of an individual walking to collect documents. In a real-life scenario, we can envision a situation where a perpetrator steps in the victim's blood and then walks across a carpet, leaving traces in the process. After leaving these traces, a forensic expert can secure and extract necessary information from them. This information may include parameters such as the length of a single step or a pair of steps, which can subsequently be used in mathematical models to estimate the body height of the individual. The presented article focuses on the approach to the field of tracology, which represents a distinct scientific discipline within the realm of criminalistics. Specifically, in this article, our emphasis is on presenting the measurement and data collection process in connection with the resolution of an institutional grant project.