Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 09

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    Using SDR receivers for UAV detection
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Dianovský, Robert; Novák, Andrej
    As the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) increases, new dangers arise for airports and other facilities. Because of this, the need for UAV detection and monitoring in areas, that might be endangered by their operation, is becoming an important topic. Introductory chapters are dedicated to the identification of potential risks posed by UAV operations and research of existing monitoring methods. The main goal of the paper, about which is this article, is to research the possibility of UAV detection by using accessible amateur SDR (Software-Defined Radio) for intercepting radio communications between UAV and its control station. Possible radio detection and localization methods were proposed based on the analysis of radio transmissions used in unmanned aerial systems. A simple theoretical design of SDR-based detection and localization system for monitoring unauthorized UAVs was developed by choosing appropriate methods. The principles and methods used in the design were experimentally demonstrated in several laboratory experiments. Successful realization of this design would possibly improve the availability of drone monitoring systems and reduce their production costs.
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    Utilization of biofeedback for examination of differences in reaction to workload between inchoative pilots and chosen students outside of training program
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Novák, Andrej; Škvareková, Iveta
    Paper describes research applications of biofeedback on psychological resistance analysis. Using scientific methods paper evaluated influence of stress and mental resistance of probands: pilots in training so-called cadets and volunteers not involved in piloting of any kind, so-called „nonpilots“. Devices Muse 2 and CorSence Elite are used to examine R-R intervals, sympathetic/parasympathetic activity ratio and brain activity during each examination sessions. Theses also aim at answering two core hypotheses. Do the pilots have greater mental resistance against stress due to training and frequent exposure to a highly stressful environment? And, are we able to find the answer to the previous question using the biofeedback examination method? Nonpilot group had 2,47 times thinner R-R interval than the pilot group and also had SNS index 1,77 times higher than the one in the pilot group. Unusual data can be observed once we look at the PNS index. According to data calculations, the final PNS index in the pilot group is 0,816 and the nonpilot group 0,7075 This situation can be described by the known effect of physical subsystems which can deviate these indexes. Significant differences between examined values verify hypothesis which says frequent exposure to highly stressful environment causes high mental resistance against stress for pilots. It is also safe to say that cardiologic biofeedback is a reliable tool for complex examination of induces stress levels. It wasn’t managed to verify MUSE 2 technology due to inconclusive data. It is believed that distortion of data from MUSE 2 is a consequence of a hygienic face mask. This exposure of its weakness shows brand new information for using such technologies.
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    CPDLC, effects on increasing efficiency and safety in air traffic (system substitute for GA)
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Pätoprstý, Matúš; Novák, Andrej
    The paper focuses on the CPDLC. We aim to examine its effects on air traffic efficiency and safety, we also look through options of creating a substitute of the system for general aviation. CPDLC is datalink communication between controller and pilot, via text messages. Introduction is dedicated to principles of operating CPDLC system. In the next chapter we talk about the effects of the system on efficiency and safety of air traffic. We describe systems responsible for increasing efficiency and decreasing density of radio frequencies. We also examine effects on safety of air traffic and security of the system itself. Fifth chapter is an analysis of communication networks, suitable for creating a CPDLC substitute for general aviation. It encompasses dissection of different networks, which are essential when creating a new communication system. In the last chapter, we compare proposed options and evaluate their suitability for creation of a new communication system.
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    Investigation of air accidents and their benefits for safety in CR and SR
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Broczky, Filip; Novák, Andrej
    The aim of this article is to focus on the facts in the field of air accidents and to analyse the current situation, which could help to address the shortcomings. Air transport has been evolving over the years, resulting in some reduction in the number of air accidents. In the first part, I analyse the current state of the topic, compare the data obtained and evaluate them, which gives me a better overview of the actual events. In the second part, I deal directly with the individual steps of the investigation and their sequence. In the following sections, I analyse selected accidents and then try to work out a proposal for a solution that could be beneficial for air safety.