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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Ondrejková, Ivana; Škvareková, Iveta
    The main goal of this paper is to propose a methodology for measuring the distraction of pilot attention by GNSS receivers during flight in visibility. To carry out future research, we will use a vision tracking device, thanks to which we can monitor the collocation of the pilot's attention during individual tasks. There search will be attended by three pilots in training, according to the number of flying hours, they will be classified as beginner, intermediate and advanced. Testing will take place on the flight simulator L410 UVP-E20, which is located in the premises of LVVC ŽU at the airport in Dolný Hričov. The aim of the work will be to find out if and how much the GNSS receiver disturb the pilot during the flight in the flight level and during the visual approach to landing regarding to his experience and the number of flying hours. Subsequent analysis of the data provided by the questionnaires showed that a pilot with more flying hours, detailed theoretical knowledge and longer experience with a GNSS receiver should be less disturbe and should be able to effectively distribute his attention among all instruments. While a pilot with less number of flying hours without theoretical knowledge and previous experience with a GNSS receiver should be disturbed and inconsistent during visual landing.