Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Aplikácia solenoidu pri magnetickom tvárnení
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Moravec, Ján
    In the contribution, the theoretical part points out the known starting points for calculating the inductance of a long cylindrical coil. In the practical part, the method of application of magnetic forming in the production of tins in lead samples is presented. The results confirm the correctness of the hypothesis.
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    Magnetic forming with heat in a magnetic field
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Moravec, Ján
    The article focuses on the application of a magnetic field in the forming of low-carbon steel castings. The original solution of the forming device, which was used in the experimental works, is presented. The results of the experimental works confirmed the suitability of its use for the mentioned work.
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    Rovnanie plechu bodovým ohrevom
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Moravec, Ján
    The contribution is devoted to the issue of material alignment. The theoretical description and essence of straightening by local heating is presented. Mechanical methods of leveling the material are also covered. In the experimental part, an experiment is described, which is based precisely on the theoretical analysis of the process of straightening by local heating.
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    Tvárnenie v hydraulickom prostredí explóziou
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Moravec, Ján
    The article describes and analyses the issue of explosive sheet metal forming in a hydro environment. In the introductory part, the necessary theoretical and technological knowledge is presented, which is necessary as a theoretical introduction to the issue. The explosion process in a liquid environment is described. The reflection from the surface and bottom of the tank used in the experiment is important. The paper only offers a view of the theoretical side of the process, because the legislative framework does not yet allow direct experimental work to be carried out, which must be done by a certified specialist in the handling of explosives.