Transport and Communications

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Transport and Communications is an scientific journal intended to bring together the information in different areas of transport and communications. The aim of this journal is to combine theory and practice in the field transport and communications and thus advancement of transport and communications sciences. It will provide a platform for academicians, researchers and engineers to share their experience and solution to problems.Journal is indexed in database Index Copernicus.


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    European Transport Corridors and North Adriatic Ports
    (University of Zilina, 2015) Bínová, Helena; Jurkovič, Martin
    From the ports in the northern Adriatic Sea (ports of Ravenna, Venezia, Trieste, Koper, Rijeka) a route from European ports of North Sea to the Far East is shorter by about 2000 nautical miles. It means a reduction of 6 to 8 days in shipping. These ports are reachable from commercial and industrial centers of Central and Eastern Europe. An assessment of the current situation and future development of the European transport corridors North - South, including possible interconnection by multimodal corridors Baltic ports in the north and Adriatic ports in the south, is included in this paper. This corridor is one of the ten basic corridors included in the new conception of the TEN-T European transport network with the assumption of financial support from the EU in the period of 2014-2020. Further, the paper also includes an analysis of a modal assessment (Modal Split) of transport connections of Central Europe with the Far East. The heart of the paper is a proposal of connection of chosen seaports that serve as logistics terminals to current European multimodal corridors and further to proposed multimodal corridors.