Krízový manažment

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Časopis krízový manažment vychádza pravidelne 2 krát za rok. Články sú do časopisu príjmané priebežne. Uzávierky do nasledúceho vydania nového čísla časopisu sú vždy do 15. marca a do 15. októbra. Tabuľka Akceptácia článkov prebieha na základe posúdenia článkov nezávislými oponentmi a rozhodnutia redakčnej rady. Redakcia časopisu akceptuje iba pôvodné články, ktoré ešte neboli uverejnené v žiadnom inom médiu a sú napísané v textovom editore MS Word, rozsah článkov by nemal prekročiť 10 strán formátu A4 a musí byť v súlade so schválenou šablónou, bez číslovania strán. Proces posudzovania článkov sa realizuje formou „Double-blind peer review“.


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    Porovnanie dynamiky jazdy vybraných hasičských vozidiel na podvozkoch Tatra a Scania pri vysokých rýchlostiach
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Jánošík, Ladislav; Šudrychová, Izabela; Jánošíková, Ivana; Jeřábková, Markéta
    The paper summarizes and compares results of the evaluation of the measurement of basic driving characteristics of fire trucks. It compares two fire tanker trucks with similar chassis, allowing driving on unpaved roads or in the terrain, that are used by the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. These are fire trucks on chassis manufactured by TATRA and SCANIA. The deceleration and acceleration characteristics of the fire trucks were monitored and evaluated. Braking distance and deceleration were observed during the evaluation of braking characteristics. To evaluate the acceleration characteristics, a deceleration time and a distance to reach a desired speed were monitored. These parameters were monitored depending on the type of tyres, a test track surface and climatic conditions.
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    Měření brzdných drah dopravních automobilů a požárních přívěsných vozíků
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Salaba, Josef; Jánošík, Ladislav; Jánošíková, Ivana
    The paper follows on previous research by the authors’ team focused on a study of the driving characteristics of a transport vehicle (hereinafter referred to as DA) and a fire trailer. The current study briefly summarizes the results of measurements of selected driving characteristics of two tested DA combinations on Ford Transit chassis, year of production 2007 and 2020, with fire designation DA-L1Z. DAs were tested driving with three combinations of fire trailers, as well as without a trailer. During the testing, trailer trucks on chassis made by companies VEZEKO Ltd., Velké Meziříčí, Agados Ltd., Velké Meziříčí and JB Trailers Ltd., Černošice were used. All trucks had a total weight of up to 3.5 tonnes. The driving dynamics testing was focused on a crisis braking in a straight direction and on driving in a circle at a speed approaching the safe limit for a vehicle rollover. These two tasks belong to basic driving skills that a fire truck driver must be able to safely manage in a critical situation on the road.
(c) Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva