Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Implementation of a new RWY reporting system and snowtam format in slovak republic
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Drábek, Marek; Kazda, Antonín
    This paper presents the upcoming changes in the runway reporting format and the newly introduced SNOWTAM format. The aim of the paper is to draw comparisons between the current SNOWTAM format and the updated version applicable as of November 2021. The author analysed information from available documents published by the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO, which describe the general conditions adopted to the new runway condition reports formulations. Since the author is enrolled in his pilot training, his objective when writing this final thesis, was to understand the issue of the changes. From this knowledge he can benefit in his future carrier. The paper points out new formats of reports of airport movement areas reporting conditions. As the new reports and techniques of reporting have not been used in real conditions yet, the author based the paper on the ICAO standards and recommended practices, ICAO and EASA guidance material. Introduction of the new methodology is expected to provide a better understanding of reports informing about contamination on movement areas, to ensure more precise aeroplane performance calculations and enhance the safety.