Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Výcvik pilotov bezpilotných prostriedkov
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Kováčiková, Kristína; Kandera, Branislav; Kováčiková, Martina
    Unmanned aerial vehicles are a part of a fast-growing aviation sector that has the potential to create new jobs as well as economic growth in the individual countries of the European Union. Unmanned aerial vehicle is a relatively new concept compared to the aircraft and it is possible to still find shortcomings in pilot training. The aim of the scientific paper is to map the current state of pilot training regarding unmanned aerial vehicles and to determine the level of demand for the implementation of an unmanned aerial vehicle flight simulator in the flight training of pilots of unmanned aerial vehicles at the Department of Air Transport at the University of Žilina.
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    Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles in forestry and agriculture
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Ďatko, Ondrej; Kandera, Branislav
    This work analyzes the penetration of the aviation, forestry and agriculture sector and aims to present forestry and agricultural activities where there is the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles. In the first chapter, the work deals with the characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing, forestry and agriculture. The second chapter deals with a particular analyzes of scientific papers, articles and internet research, and on the basis of these analyzes presents examples of activities in which unmanned aerial vehicles can be used. The third chapter provides an overview of technological and software equipment needed to perform such activities or aerial work. In the fourth chapter, through the practical part, work focuses on examining the use of the mid-class unmanned aerial vehicle model for the plant health analysis, while providing justifications and findings from the results. As part of the practical part, it also provides practical information for the individual steps during the planning and operation of flight. In the fifth chapter, the work briefly summarizes the information and results collected, from which it suggests some possibilities for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, such as their use in the vaccination of foxes, and the recommended procedures for operating flights or aerial work.
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    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the mountain rescue service
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Gánovský, Martin; Kandera, Branislav
    The theme of paper is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Mountain rescue service. At the beginning, a brief summary about the history and development of unmanned aerial vehicles is made, starting from the very beginning to their gradual integration into the rescue systems all around the world. This part is followed by an analysis of the currently valid Slovak legislation regulating the rules of flying with unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of Slovak Republic, which also affects the flight operations of mountain rescuers. Author also included an analysis of the European legislation, which should gradually replace the currently valid Slovak legislation and unify the rules of operation of unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of the member states. The third chapter describes the use of specific types of unmanned aerial vehicles used by the Mountain rescue service of Slovak Republic and also of other European countries. We focused on the operational advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of aircraft technology used in the mountain rescue systems. The last part consists of an analysis of available equipment used in conjunction with unmanned aerial vehicles during avalanche accidents. Part of the work is also researching the possible extensions of mountain rescue operations by the implementation of modern avalanche beacons attached on the unmanned vehicles. In a research we focused mainly on the possible interference caused by the operation of unmanned aerial vehicle in close vicinity of an avalanche beacon.