Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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Search Results

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    Long-range UAV hybrid petrol-electric powertrain
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Uhlár, Erik; Pecho, Pavol
    Along with increasing UAV both weight load and endurance requirements, there is a need to use alternative propulsion solutions, to satisfy the market as well as various customer applications. Although lithium polymer cells are yet well developed, they are still too heavy for long-endurance UAV missions. Hybrid petrol-electric powertrains are outstanding imitations of hybrid hydrogen-electric propulsion systems, which are currently under intensive development. Not only for their onboard power production and improved overall efficiency but also for simulating a weight load of a future hydrogen-electric system. Therefore, such a system is being tested and aimed to be used in fixed-wing UAVs for long-endurance missions. This paper describes the design and operation of a hybrid petrol-electric propulsion system and further operational optimization based on comprehensive ground testing.
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    Design of particle image velocimetry system for the wind tunnel of University of Žilina
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Pancurák, Daniel; Pecho, Pavol
    Due to always ongoing innovation in research ability of our research facility it was decided to innovate already existing wind tunnel by implementing system of Particle Image Velocimetry. Main goal of this thesis is to create sufficient technical solution for implementation of Particle Image Velocimetry measuring systems. This system will allow creation of accurate measurements of aerodynamic forces and visualise airflow direction and its strength. Implementation of this system consists of designing sufficient structure to allow proper mount and movement of laser light source, which will be high power laser and mount for camera, which will be used to capture images of airflow of measured parts. In terms of laser stand, the main goal was to simplify the construction to decrease costs of structure and to create room for future upgrades and implementations of possible motorisation and electronic controls. For main construction were chosen steel profiles with square cut and size of 30x30 mm to match already existing construction used to stabilise measured part in test chamber. Implementation of this system of measurement will increase research abilities and it will create room for more projects, which depend on this method of measurement. Particle Image Velocimetry has wide range of usage from automotive industry through aviation to designing of spray nozzles. This will create large research opportunities for other facilities and professionals from different parts of industry, since this technology will be one of the first implemented into wind tunnel in Slovakia.
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    Noise optimisation of aircraft jet engines
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Veľký, Patrik; Pecho, Pavol
    Aviation industry is source of noise, which has negative impact to human health and significantly influences surrounding fauna and flora. Nowadays tendency and also a need of higher care about environment concerns the aviation sector as well, which has eminent negative aspects to environment. This study is concentrated on concept solution of changes of jet engine´s output parameters, especially focused on noise emissions, using shape changes of nozzle of created 3D jet engine model, what allows simpler, economic undemanding, but relevant resulting analyse of fluid flow through the engine. Object of the research is influence of the nozzle shape to the created noise effect, which was made by fluid flow going through this shape. The goal of the study is to make and analyse as much as possible ideal shape characteristics of jet engines with the reference to the noise. The result is evaluation of possibility to do some kinds of research and analysis of jet engines on 3D models of jet engines, their comparison with reference to another parameters, such as: thrust or fuel consumption. To completing research were used facilities, devices and places of Air Department, also necessary tools and other stuff which belongs to the owner of this study. For modelling 3D model of engine and nozzle shapes, was used computer software and production of these shapes allows 3D printer. Used methods for creating nozzles are with regards to real shapes of engine. Results and conclusions of this research are appropriate to be used in praxis of air or another industry, whose purpose is utilizing thrust units. With application of these data is possible the achieve reduced noise of certain unit, with some changes of other parameters, such as: increased or decreased fuel consumption or thrust, according to the initial requirements. Moreover, these results can be used not only for industrial purposes, but also are relevant for economics.
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    Návrh zdokonalenia ovládacích prvkov simulátora Zlín
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Janovec, Michal; Materna, Matúš; Pecho, Pavol
    This article deals with possible improvements and improvements of the flight simulator Zlín, which is located at the Air Transport Department of the University of Žilina. The construction of the simulator and the basic control and display units of the simulator ere made in the previous period. For the most realistic feeling of flight, it is necessary to constantly innovate and improve the simulator. The created technical improvements of the simulator control panel, the control mechanism of the lateral and ongitudinal tilt, the balance control and the flaps control to this improvement of the simulator. In the article, these performed improvements of the simulator are described in detail. According to these procedures, the proposed improvements were subsequently practically performed on a simulator.
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    Proposal of the FI (S) seminar program for DTO according to the conditions of CAA-ZLP-161
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Michálek, Tomáš; Pecho, Pavol
    The aim of this paper is to create a proposal for a seminar program for sailplane instructors. Since 2021, new European legislation has come into effect regulating the flight crew licensing. Part of this legislation is the obligation to attend a seminar for each instructor once every 3 years. The seminars can be organized by the declared training organizations (DTO), for which the organization of these seminars is new and have no experience with it, so this program proposal can help them organize the seminar. This research deals with current legislation, analysis of conditions imposed by EASA, analyses the current recommended flight instruction syllabus for new flight instructors together with the syllabus for training new pilots, analyses selected aviation accidents and finally analyses important chapters in aviation medicine.
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    Methods of implementation PIV system in the wind tunnel of the department of air transport
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Remiaš, Matej; Pecho, Pavol
    In the early days of aviation, wind tunnels were developed to investigate whether an aircraft is capable of flying, and how capable it was of doing so.They are mainly used as a part of research of aerodynamic forces applied to a model of an aircraft or its parts. There are several methods of measuring the airflow inside a wind tunnel, however this manuscript is concerned with implementation of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), especially the software part, in the conditions of the wind tunnel of the Department of Air Transport. The functions of the software were investigated on the basis of a simple experiment. The poppy seeds were blown on white paper and the images were captured by the camera in slow motion as it moved from side to side and then the images were processed and analyzed. The amount of poppy seeds used varied.The results showed successful use of PIV software and it’s application directly in the wind tunnel of the Department of Aviation for research of the effects of aerodynamic forces in aviation, but also in other areas.
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    Prototyp simulátora letového environmentálneho laboratória Evirolab
    (University of Žilina, 2021) Janovec, Michal; Materna, Matúš; Pecho, Pavol; Kandera, Branislav; Radosa, Filip
    The aim of this paper is to create a solid structural platform for the placement of computer equipment and other computer accessories to create a flight simulator from scratch. The simulator will be designed to help pilots in training get accustomed to basic flight procedures and the behavior of aircraft control surfaces during flight. Practical part deals with the design of a simulator inspired by the airplane Zlín Z 242 L, the selection of suitable material and technology to produce this simulator and the measurement of most important dimensions required for the making process. Obtained dimensions will be used to model the structure in a three-dimensional plane with the help of computer aided software, in order to create blueprints of our simulator structure. Said blueprints will be later used to cut building materials to required length and to assemble the construction frame. Last pages are dedicated to seating all required computer software directly on the frame in the correct manner.
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    System for early identification of local atmospheric changes in flight
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Dvorský, Richard; Pecho, Pavol
    Paper “System for early identification of local atmospheric changes in flight” is aimed at creating a model of a new variant of instrumentation of non-powered aircraft by monitoring air parameters such as air temperature, static pressure and air humidity. We will use modern technologies to create this theis. This created device will work in the search for thermal currents. After next research as a tool in powered aircraft where it will function as a system for identifying local atmospheric changes that are dangerous for flight itself. Another possible use will be in transport aircraft to predict turbulence
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    Experimental state of tensile testing of aircraft reciprocating internal combustion engine
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Mrva, Matúš; Pecho, Pavol
    The main goal of the Paper "Experimental state of tensile tests of aircraft piston internal combustion engine" is to create an experimental and fully functional measuring stand for monitoring the parameters of a model internal combustion piston engine, using different types of propellers. The partial goals are the creation of a teaching aid, the construction of a unique facility and the creation of opportunities for research and development in this area by other students. Using a measuring device, it was possible to record the various operating characteristics of the internal combustion engine. Based on this, the usability of individual propellers for the measured internal combustion engine can be determined.
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    Design and construction of a UAV device with a fixed wing for the conditions of rescue services
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Petrík, Nikolas Michael; Pecho, Pavol
    The paper is focused on comprehensive design of an unmanned aerial vehicle with fixed wing, which would add efficiency to specific activities performed by rescue services. The current rapid development of unmanned aerial vehicles is slowly becoming part of many industries around the world. The aim of this paper is to design an unmanned aerial vehicle that could provide safe, reliable, and efficient operation. The overall design, construction, and installation of the proposed unmanned aerial vehicle should integrate several modern technologies. To make an ideal design of unmanned aerial vehicle it is required to possess the knowledge of current construction methods of additive manufacturing, understanding of legislation in operating conditions and, in addition to general knowledge of unmanned vehicles, also comprehensive skills in programming and configuration of autonomous control elements of autonomous unmanned systems. After the production of the unmanned aerial vehicle with fixed wing, very good technical properties were demonstrated during experimental ground tests. Achieved technical properties are comparable to those owned by the unmanned aerial vehicles that are currently on the market. The final design configuration using an infrared-sensitive optical device could perform activities such as: searching for missing persons in hard-to-reach and vast terrain or searching for forest fires.