Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

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    Optimization design of flight training regarding cockpit equipment
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Senaj, Andrej Timotej; Jůn, František
    The technological progress and development of aircraft, flight instruments and aircraft cockpit equipment over the past 60 years has been enormous, which has been shown in the equipment and construction of aircraft. The flight syllabus, according to which the training for future aircraft pilots was compiled, had to be updated over time due to the safety and fluency of the training program. This bachelor's thesis will be focused on the design and optimization of flight training with regard to aircraft cockpit equipment, where we will deal with the implementation of aircraft with digital cockpit equipment. Nowadays, we encounter aircraft in training that are from different periods and their cockpit equipment often consists of analog instruments. Over the years, flight schools began to reach for more modern aircraft, which represent a significant saving on fuel and more modern aircraft equipment. The risk when training pilots on airplanes with analog and digital instruments is that a pilot who is not sufficiently trained and does not understand the distribution of information on digital instruments may evaluate the situation incorrectly and consequently a dangerous situation may occur. This work will therefore be the design of a training curriculum to prevent such situations.
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    Implementation of SMS into theoretical and practical MCC training
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Petríková, Michaela; Jůn, František
    The main goal of my paper is to implement safety management system into theoretical and practical MCC training. I was inspired for finishing this paper by my own integrated ATPL training at University of Žilina. Work is divided into three main parts. The first part of the paper is theory of safety management system, safety in aviation, loss of control and controlled flight into terrain. Five air accidents are characterized and analyzed in the next section. This part contains air accident Air Dubnica of two aircraft L410 in Dubnica nad Váhom, Air Accident OSSR An-24 Aircraft in Košice, Aviompanija Tatarstan accident in Kazan, accident of cypriot airline Helios and Pakistan International Airlines accident in Karachi, Pakistan. In the last part of the paper is designed implementation of the safety management system into MCC training.
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    Methodical manual for flight according to PBN
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Novák, Andrej; Jůn, František
    Work dealing with the professional topic of PBN issues and its use within the University of Žilina in Žilina. The division of the work is 4 content units, each of which describes a different area of the issue. In the first chapter, the author analyzes certified navigation devices and their functionality within the PBN concept. The chapter describes the basic radio navigation equipment, which we include in the concept of PBN, namely VOR, DME, but also satellite navigation systems GNSS, ABAS, GBAS, SBAS. And in summary, use of these systems in the PBN concept. The next chapter describes the theoretical knowledge that a student should have in flight according to PBN. It describes the theoretical background that a pilot needs to perform such a flight. Every pilot who starts practical flying should have studied the facts given in this chapter. In the third chapter, the reader will learn about the differences between flying a real aircraft and between simulator flying during PBN training. It describes the execution of the flight according to PBN, which is helpful before starting the simulator training. The simulator is an important part of the training and should therefore be given the same level of attention. The last part of this work summarizes the facts from the previous chapters and uses this knowledge in their implementation in flight procedures. When reading this chapter, it is necessary to use your knowledge of practical training. The aim of this work is to create a framework for the future methodological manual for PBN training. The main goal of this work is to bring the issue closer to the reader, to acquaint him with the issue of PBN flying.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Biskupič, Tomáš; Jůn, František
    The choice of topic and the beginning of its elaboration reflects the economic situation in Europe before the outbreak of the global pandemic of the COV-19 virus. The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to evaluate the positive development trend in the field of commercial aviation in connection with the use of rapid relocation of executives between companies, which leads to increase their efficient use of working time. For these purposes, we have selected the Pilatus PC-12 and Beechcraft King Air B-200GT (B-250), which are considered the most successful aircraft in this category. We assessed these aircraft not only from an operational but also from an economic point of view in connection with corporate aviation. The work is based on data given in the operating manuals of individual aircraft, professional articles and statistical data.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Královenský, Marek; Jůn, František
    This paper deals with modern technologies available in transport aircraft, of which the implementation in instrument flight training would contribute to improving the quality and safety of training provided. The work in the first part analyzes the current state of the problem. Subsequently, the second part of the work describes the basic theory of the principle of operation of the modern systems and provides possible examples of the use of available equipment in instrument flight training. The last part of the work evaluates the contribution to increasing safety and quality of training. The aim of the work is to provide novice pilots with basic information about available inertial systems used in transport aircraft, as there is still a lack of available literature in the Slovak language dealing with these devices.