Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/119


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    Design and configuration of the instrumentation of the Zlín 242L simulator
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Lenár, Jakub; Janovec, Michal
    Flight simulators play an important role in pilot training around the world. They contribute to increasing the safety of air traffic, allow you to practice emergency situations and non-standard procedures and thus prepare pilots for dangers during real flight. The need for the Zlín 242L simulator arose during the procurement of this type of aircraft for the Aviation Training and Education Center of the University of Žilina. The paperdeals with the design and arrangement of the instrument part of the simulator, while the design is based mainly on the flight manual of the aircraft Zlín 242L. The theoretical part of the paper describes the basic requirements for flight simulators, categorization of flight simulators and within the instrumentation focuses on ways of displaying on-board flight data, describes the display devices within simulator space and examines the requirements for displayed data needed for flight. The result of the paper is the design of simulator instrumentation and subsequent construction of the simulator, which will serve students of the Department of Air Transport for training procedures during the flight on a given type of aircraft, familiarization with aircraft instrumentation, or training in non-standard and emergency situations
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    Upgrade of the BITD to an online multirole simulator
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Özdemirci, Sahir Deniz; Škultéty, Filip
    Thanks to the possibility of new technologies, there are several alternatives to upgrade the current hardware and software of flight simulators, such as the implementation of photorealistic scenarios, a better field of view or a realistic flight model of a selected aircraft. A part is devoted to the current technical parameters of the ELITE S612 BITD simulator. The practical part describes three options for computer software, followed by three options for replacing hardware and three options for updating the visual system.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Škvareková, Iveta; Ažaltovič, Viliam; Pecho, Pavol; Kandera, Branislav
    The article is focused on objective measurement of pilot workload during IFR flight. For the purpose of our research, we decided to use eye monitoring technology to record eye movements to determine the pilot's performance. Eye monitoring provides data on the number of eye movements,number of visual intakes, number of saccades, number of blinks, fixations and the durations of these. Our study incorporated overall six pilots divided into two groups: the experienced and inexperienced. The measurements were performed on the ELITE S923 flight simulator located at Žilina airport, Dolný Hričov. Measurement and analysis of the data showed that the pilots showed significant deviations when comparing the two pilot samples. We also demonstrated various scanning techniques during ILS and NDB approaches. The conclusion of our work summarizes the measurement results and the use of eye track technology in the future.