Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Long-range UAV hybrid petrol-electric powertrain
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Uhlár, Erik; Pecho, Pavol
    Along with increasing UAV both weight load and endurance requirements, there is a need to use alternative propulsion solutions, to satisfy the market as well as various customer applications. Although lithium polymer cells are yet well developed, they are still too heavy for long-endurance UAV missions. Hybrid petrol-electric powertrains are outstanding imitations of hybrid hydrogen-electric propulsion systems, which are currently under intensive development. Not only for their onboard power production and improved overall efficiency but also for simulating a weight load of a future hydrogen-electric system. Therefore, such a system is being tested and aimed to be used in fixed-wing UAVs for long-endurance missions. This paper describes the design and operation of a hybrid petrol-electric propulsion system and further operational optimization based on comprehensive ground testing.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Ažaltovič, Viliam; Škvareková, Iveta; Pecho, Pavol; Kandera, Branislav
    The study in this paper defines the amount of the possible ground casualty risk of randomly falling out-of-control UAV on a picked flight path, which was defined from the city of Žilina to the city of Martin, which were 29 km apart. For this area, the probability of a third party casualties caused by lose of control during the flight of UAV, was calculated. For these calculations was used the Equivalent Level of Safety approach. The conclusion provides recommendations for safety improvements during planning flight routes for unmanned aerial vehicles.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Leitner, Martin; Pecho, Pavol
    The use of drones is slowly becoming an integral part of our lives. They are used every day and new ways of use are constantly emerging in various areas. One of the easiest way is to use them for entertainment, but there are also a large number of professional users. Their largest users include the military, but they are also used for aerial monitoring, mapping and various other services. As in civil aviation, as well as for UAV users, it is necessary to correct the current legislation, which is also included in the work. In the paper we will investigate the use of UAVs by armed force and rescue units. In this area, they have the opportunity to make full use of their main advantage, and that is how to get to places where access is difficult. In addition, their use does not require a pilot on board and does not endanger his life, as is the case with helicopters. In this work, we will design a flight path for a drone to cover the area as effectively as possible and thus help the rescue services to be more efficient in the search for missing persons. The flight path design will be created in the Dronedeploy program and will be planned for three types of terrain at different initial settings to allow comparison of these flights. Tables and figures are added to each flight to help the reader better understand the flight suggestions.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Nosál, Ľubomír; Pecho, Pavol
    The main aim of the paper is to optimalize person search by using UAV with infrared camera. Author’s goal is to confirm experiment which he came up with and to also confirm theoretical knowledge about the discussed matter. The objective of the paper is to look at the problem from as many views as possible. Every point of view has to be analyzed and optimal solution for the problem should be found. In order to use technical devices one has to understand how the machines work and understand the basic pricinples which the machines are based on. Working principles of infrared cameras are interpreted also the radiation which every object emits and which the camera scans is described. In the master paper are analyzed study cases from real search and rescue missions. The solutions of these study cases are proposed by using UAV with infrared camera. The most important part of the paper is the experimenthal phase. The optimal angle which the camera is mounted under the UAV is solved and discussed. Also the factors which affect the camera during the flight are evaluated. At the end of the paper one can find concept how to fight COVID-19 by using knowledge acquired from the paper.